Leaving The Dark Alleys, (Sudan Uprising 2019)

Leaving The Dark Alleys, (Sudan Uprising 2019)

Walking through the dark alleys,

Each one on his own.

Eyes glistening,

Dreams pumping through our veins,

With the thrill of fake freedom.

Us the people.

Walking through the dark alleys,

Each one on his own.

Heads hung low,

Backs bent,

Carrying heavy loads;

Of sad stories of us,

and some which we’ve heard;

From our families,

And friends.

Carrying heavy load;

 of lost hopes,

And a blind view of a dark future.

Walking through the dark alleys,

Ears pretending to be deaf,

Eyes blind.

All we hear is a disappointing history,

All we see is the consequences.

Eyes tightly shut,

Hands busy;

Blocking the sounds;

As we walk through the dark alleys.

A scream forces our eyes to open,

The drops of our tears reflect a light,

And our heads raise up to meet the source.

In rushed steps, we walk it’s way.

And somewhere on the way,

We become one.

The single flashes each one was holding;


Forming a new full moon;

Reflecting the sun that we are,

Reflecting the hopes that were born.

And leading our steps,

Through the open land that we’d finally reached.

Leaving the weak behind,

In their dark alleys.

We walk and walk.

Faster steps.

White noise replaced by our one voice,

Reciting beautiful chants,

As our pace start to unite,

Through the rhythm of the drums.

“Tonight it just falls,”

And as we say it,

The land repeats with us;

“tonight it just falls,”

Our voice becomes greater,

The image looks clearer.

We’re all the land mates;

And some fall,

but their flashlights remain,

glowing brighter than the rest.

The land sobs,

But we march forward;

Following the light,

Reciting our chants.

“tonight it just falls,”

The beautiful sound of violin breaks through,

Removing the clouds of mope,

Playing a symphony,

Pulling on our dreams strings,

Making it feel closer.

And we enter a new culture.

It’s no longer a desert with no destination;

Streets are no longer dark alleys.

Walls are no longer walls to us;

They’re canvases,

That we paint our dreams on.

Leaving behind fractures of history,

As we show the world the beauty,

Of our dreams,

And the beauty of us.

And we follow the light.

We walk, and walk;

Towards the light we’re now finally able to see,

The light of a new sun,

The sun of our riddance Dawn.       

The Dawn after the night it just falls.

The picture is a screen capture from a video, filmed by Nazim Sirag on 18 April, Engineers marches toward The sit-in in front of the General Command of Armed Forces.

Our pride, our sisters, and brothers. Kandakas(كنداكة)\queens, and Shafatas(شفاتة)\heroes; the martyrs and their families;

The generations living, and the one that yet to come, our land and history – will and would never be able to give justice to your bravery, to your selfless, your sacrifice and all you’ve given through 2018 December revolution, in all ways.

It has not fallen yet, but it will. And the land sun will shine with your beauty for the world to see.

24th of April, 2019

Written by – Aseel Albeily